A bit pretentious I know. No meal, no big presentation, no statuette. Just me sharing some of the gems that I have found on MySpace.
I have decided to adopt a bias towards the new and less well known artists but their approaches are varied and important in their own ways.
Artist of the Year
Red Shoes A lovely couple whose new album promises to be out of this world when it gets around to being released.
They are at the moment living the dream and I am proud to be a small part of it.
Song Writers of the Year
Well there are two. After much tossing (of coins) and turning, I could not separate these two.
George Papavgeris Last years album, ‘Life’s Eyes’, is a real treat. George’s clear and often intimate view of life.
Sheedyfrost Two teachers from Salford, Vincent and Paul never cease to produce insightful songs.
Artist of the Year
Mary K. Burke Mary sings in something of a country style which is not my favourite corner of the genre but sometimes you come across an artist who transcends such simple descriptions. Mary does that for me.
She has her debut album coming out soon. It is called ‘A song in her heart’. And you get what it says on the can, each song straight from the heart.

Song Writers of the Year
Kaytee and Robert There is something about this duo that gets under my skin. Their songs are varied in type and style but always full of emotion. Kaytee’s singing really brings out all the emotion. ‘Shutters Down’ I find has a particular power to it.
I have this vision of a line of singers queuing down Scarborough High Street want to sing their songs on their own albums.
It may be a dream but as they say on their page "Never to late too live the dream"