Ken's Folk Page - Folk Clubs & Venues
Folk Clubs and Venues
On these pages you will find links to web sites for folk clubs and other folk friendly venues (usually open mike sessions in pubs).
I have arranged them by UK home country then by county. I have stuck to good old fashioned county names as they are familiar. Where I live is technically Greater London but we all think of ourselves as living in Essex so it is a matter of local consciousness as well.
There are still a lot of gaps so if anyone can to the list please go to the Contact page and let me know.
Similarly if any link fails, just let me know and I will look into it. Clubs do fold sometimes and pubs do close or change management so open mike session get shelved. It can be a very fluid market.
The purpose of this section is to help people going on holiday or business somewhere in the country to find a place to enjoy some live music and maybe to join in.